Byeonghwi Kim (김병휘)

I'm a Ph.D. student at SNU Machine Perception and Reasoning Lab. at Seoul National University advised by Prof. Jonghyun Choi. My research focus is on embodied AI.

During my M.S., I was fortunate to work as a research intern at the PRIOR team in Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence (AI2) (2021-2022). Currently, I am looking for a research internship position for embodied agent research.

I completed a Ph.D. course at Yonsei University and received a M.S. degree from Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology under the supervision of Prof. Jonghyun Choi. I received a B.S. degree with first-class honors from Kwangwoon University under the supervision of Prof. Cheolsoo Park.

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    Work Experience
Allen Institute for AI (AI2)
Research Intern at PRIOR Team (Sept. 2021 ~ Mar. 2022)
Mentor: Dr. Roobzeh Mottaghi
Pre-emptive Action Revision by Environmental Feedback for Embodied Instruction Following Agents
Jinyeon Kim*, Cheolhong Min*, Byeonghwi Kim, Jonghyun Choi
CoRL 2024 (to appear)
[pdf] [bibtex] [code]
ReALFRED: An Embodied Instruction Following Benchmark in Photo-Realistic Environments
Taewoong Kim*, Cheolhong Min*, Byeonghwi Kim, Jinyeon Kim, Wonje Jeung, Jonghyun Choi
ECCV 2024 (to appear)
[pdf] [bibtex] [code]
Online Continual Learning for Interactive Instruction Following Agents
Byeonghwi Kim*, Minhyuk Seo*, Jonghyun Choi
ICLR 2024, CoLLAs 2024 Workshop Track
[pdf] [bibtex] [code]
Context-Aware Planning and Environment-Aware Memory for Instruction Following
Embodied Agents

Byeonghwi Kim, Jinyeon Kim, Yuyeong Kim, Cheolhong Mim, Jonghyun Choi
ICCV 2023
1st Place in Generalist Language Grounding Agents Challenge (CVPRW'23)
[pdf] [bibtex] [code]
Multi-Level Compositional Reasoning for Interactive Instruction Following
Suvaansh Bhambri*, Byeonghwi Kim*, Jonghyun Choi
AAAI 2023 (Oral)
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Factorizing Perception and Policy for Interactive Instruction Following
(Prev: MOCA: A Modular Object-Centric Approach for Interactive Instruction Following)
Kunal Pratap Singh*, Suvaansh Bhambri*, Byeonghwi Kim*, Roozbeh Mottaghi, Jonghyun Choi
ICCV 2021
2nd Place in ALFRED Challenge (ECCVW'20)
[pdf] [bibtex] [code]
Agent with the Big Picture: Perceiving Surroundings for Interactive Instruction Following
Byeonghwi Kim, Suvaansh Bhambri, Kunal Pratap Singh, Roozbeh Mottaghi, Jonghyun Choi
Embodied AI Workshop @ CVPR 2021
2nd Place in ALFRED Challenge (CVPRW'21)
[pdf] [bibtex] [code]
Automated White Blood Cell Counting in Nailfold Capillary Using Deep Learning Segmentation and Video Stabilization
Byeonghwi Kim*, Yuli-Sun Hariyani*, Young-Ho Cho, Cheolsoo Park
Sensors 2020
[pdf] [bibtex]

    Academic Services
  • Reviewer
    1. - CVPR(2023-2024), ECCV(2024), ICLR(2024-2025), ICML(2024), NeurIPS(2023-2024), AAAI(2024-2025), WACV(2023-2025), ICRA(2022), RO-MAN(2024)

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